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Monday, December 6, 2010

Why are Carbohydrate addicts Somebody else’s Meal Ticket?

What comes to mind when someone mentions the words carbohydrate addicts?

A low carb diet may come to mind. Maybe a low fat diet, or a complex carbohydrate diet. There are many choices and these days there are few people who haven’t experimented with at least one diet. There are even fewer people who realize they are already carbohydrate addicts. 

Why do we diet? Obviously we want to lose weight, but by now it should be clear to anyone, that diets don’t work. They can’t, Mother Nature didn’t build us that way. That’s why today 60% of the population has a weight problem and most are carbohydrate addicts.  Statistics say by 2020 this number will reach 80%.

So why do we still diet?  People we trust and respect tell us that a diet is necessary to lose weight.  They have even begun to tell us that a diet is critical for a strong healthy body.  In the near future we will be told that a diet is necessary for our survival. The one thing we won’t be told is that we are carbohydrate addicts and shouldn’t diet at all!

Another thing these people don’t tell you and probably don’t know themselves is that diets are dangerous to our body. Our digestive system was not built for diets.  In the fifties and sixties people did not diet. Diets were for sick people. Till that time – carbohydrate addicts didn’t exist.  The only response your body has to a diet is to signal Famine!

That’s because a diet is a shortage of food and to your body that can only mean a famine.  When a famine is over it’s your body’s job to recover all the weight you have lost.  For added protection it will always add a little extra.

Ask yourself where does this plethora of expert diet information originate?  Where is the scientific information - the research to prove that that these diets are safe for human consumption?  Where are the research papers to confirm that human trials prove a particular diet is safe to use?

We are on a slippery path to self destruction. We are eating ourselves to death.  Our future is morbid obesity and type2 diabetes. Both are likely to be fatal.  We are becoming carbohydrate addicts at the fervent support and advice of self proclaimed experts who have a professional and or financial stake in our continued obsession with diets.

So here is where we are today: 60% of us are overweight and most of us are carbohydrate addicts. That means we have no control over our desire for carbohydrates foods.  Everyone of us have dieted to lose weight, maybe several times.  Yet each and every one of us is fatter today than before we began our first diet. Doesn’t that tell us something?

You are thinking: why believe me - Right?  I don’t expect you to believe me.  I just want you to use your common sense.  Human beings have been around for thousands of years, without dieting and without weight problems.

Except for the last forty to fifty years, people have thrived and procreated without the advice or assistance of dietitians, nutritionists, diet experts, diet gurus, cereal and diet food manufacturers.  In fact, anyone without a science or medical degree, who claims to know and understand your body.

Before you say: But all these people can’t be wrong! Let me point out that they depend entirely on the carbohydrate addicts need to find help with their weight problem. They are the ‘pushers’ of food. They are individuals and corporations, who profit from your addiction. Without you – the addict -  there is no profit.

The reason there are so many profiteers, is that as long as carbohydrate addicts can remain un-recognized, there is no burden of law or regulations to stop them. There are so many of them – because it is so very profitable!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

A close look at carbohydrate addicts!

Carbohydrate addicts are paying a big price for their lifestyle.  Yet most don’t even know they are addicted, or what the ultimate price of addiction can be. They receive no recognition and even less information about a lifestyle that will turn them into obesity statistics and probably kill them.

Nobody hesitates to tell carbohydrate addicts to go on a low carb diet.  Yet those same people wouldn’t dream of advising an alcoholic to stick to a couple of drinks, or a tobacco addict to just cut down on cigarettes.  It’s a double standard that smacks of hypocrisy and self interest.

Obesity statistics continue to climb and fewer slim people appear in the malls every day. Nobody wants to acknowledge the truth.  Take a good look around. Carbohydrates foods are slowly killing us. If that doesn’t get us, Type2 diabetes will. Yet the people who should warn us because they know better are getting ready to launch the next big diet.

Self proclaimed experts ask carbohydrate addicts to eat a particular food wisely, or to concentrate only on low carb foods.  This is like asking a starving person to eat only orange food, or asking an alcoholic to have only one drink a day.  It is unrealistic and can only further add to the confusion and despair suffered by the addict.

Carbohydrate addicts do not need a diet. What they need is a cure for their addiction.  As long as the addiction prevails, there is no solution to a weight problem and the addict will continue to grow fatter.

The fact is, our body was not designed to diet.  To the body it is perceived as a famine.  The natural response to a famine is to slow down the metabolism and conserve fat.  Once the famine is over, the body will recover the lost weight as soon as you let it.

Obesity statistics will continue to climb till it is realized that carbohydrate addicts must deal with their addiction before they can expect to deal with their weight problem.  In fact, the addiction cure will take care of their weight problem.

The Carbohydrate Addicts Manual!



Monday, October 25, 2010

carbohydrate addicts! A Modern Myth?

<h1 style="text-align: center;">How did <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong>carbohydrate addicts</strong></em></span></h1>
<h1 style="text-align: center;">come to be?</h1>
<h2 style="text-align: center;">The conditions for <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong>carbohydrate addicts</strong></em></span></h2>
<h2 style="text-align: center;">were created forty years ago!</h2>
Call me a stickler, but I don’t want to see people get away with  hurting other people, even if it's done unknowingly. Today’s diet is  creating more <strong><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">carbohydrate addicts</span></em></strong> every day and the people who push it, knowingly or not, must be stopped.

If I say to you: “Do you realize that 40 -50 years ago, the vast majority of people were <strong><em>slim people</em></strong>”?  You will probably flash to a thought like: “That’s a long time ago  before we had fast food and people often went hungry in those days”.   But you would be completely wrong.

You see, 40 – 50 years ago, in the western world it was the sixties  and seventies, a time of excess and over indulgence. Even fast food,  although a little different, was everywhere.  Yet there was no sign of  burgeoning <strong><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">obesity statistics</span></em></strong> and diets were considered for sick people.

Again, If I was to say: Historically, for the past 10,000 years,  right up till 40 years ago, the human diet was made up of mostly  protein. Would that surprise you?  <strong><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;"> Carbohydrates foods</span></em></strong> held a very secondary place in our normal diet. You’ll probably think:  Well, people didn’t live much past 30 -40 years in those days.

But you’d be wrong again. Even in biblical times people expected to  live 3 scores and ten.  That’s just 10 – 15 years less than we are  expected to live today.  Yet look at the amazing advances in medicines  in just the last two decades.

For the Past 10,000 years, the only period when the human lifespan  took a great leap backwards was the period between the collapse of the  Roman Empire, and the early dawn of the industrial revolution. Much of  that period was known as the dark ages – with good reason.

What separated people in the past from people today was the fact that  till around forty years ago, most still maintained the traditional  diet. This was a diet that was second nature. People didn’t count  calories, or restrict their fat.  They stuck mostly to <strong><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">foods with protein</span></em></strong>.  They certainly didn’t think about dieting – they didn’t need to.

The trouble is we have all been trained in sound bites and instant  responses. That’s why so much misleading, even false information thrives  when it comes to<span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong> carbohydrates foods</strong></em></span> and the <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong>carbohydrate addicts</strong></em></span> who suffer the consequences.  It's hard to believe we live in the 21<sup>st</sup> century.

Perhaps you think it doesn’t really matter. But that’s until you realize that<span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong> carbohydrates foods</strong></em></span> affect your health right now and it will go on to threaten your children.  You do not want to see your children become <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong>carbohydrate addicts</strong></em></span> if they are not already affected!

Think about this for a moment: Forty years ago our diet was turned  upside down by foolish, unqualified people who were seeking a niche on  the fringe of medicine.
<h3 style="text-align: center;">That’s about the time we sowed the seeds</h3>
<h3 style="text-align: center;">for <strong><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">carbohydrate addicts</span></em></strong>.</h3>
How could we accept such a radical change to a diet our grandparents  and their grandparents had treasured?  It was easy. You see, we didn’t  know the facts. We were duped to believe that our health and the health  of our children depended on it. The reason? <strong><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">High cholestrol</span></em></strong>.

If you take a good look around today, you will see the results of  that change. Just about everybody is getting fat. It has been happening,  gradually, right under our noses for the best part of 40 years. Today  about 60% of us are grossly overweight. Official <strong><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">obesity statistics</span></em></strong> tell us that by 2020, 80% will be affected. That is probably conservative.

Considering that <strong><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">type2 diabetes</span></em></strong> has now appeared  and is fast affecting those of us with weight problems, it is a fair,  but very scary guess, that if we follow this trend we might not even  survive to 2050.

Yet, the same false dogma and presumed 'scientific' information  continues to this day. The myth about what is good for people to eat  still gets pushed at us by untrained people and plain old vested  interests. Had the <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong>carbohydrates foods</strong></em></span> we eat today, been possible even a couple of hundred years ago, we would probably be extinct by now.

How do they get away with it?  - Nobody wants to rock the boat. Too  many careers, professions, industries and corporations depend on an ever  growing number of <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><em>carbohydrate addicts</em></strong></span>.  They are not going to change their products and they are not going to allow governments to try and make them.

It is the tobacco addiction V the tobacco industry all over again.

So it’s all going to have to come back to the individual – to you.  Only you can make the necessary changes that will prevent you and your  family becoming <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong>carbohydrate addicts</strong></em></span>.

What happens if you don’t?  It’s a bit like climate change. We fix it or we suffer the consequences.
<a href=”http://www.thecarbohydrateaddictsdiet.com”>The Carbohydrate Addicts Manual V Obesity Statistics</a>

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Carbohydrate Addicts V obesity statistics!

Have carbohydrate addicts been the reason for obesity statistics?

There is no doubt carbohydrate addicts are heading for obesity.

It’s a little sad to think that here we are, in the 21st century, surrounded by unlimited food, first class hygiene, amazing personal gadgets and appliances and technology that would have been beyond belief even fifty years ago.� Yet we are almost all becoming carbohydrate addicts and turning into obesity statistics.

Were it possible for people 50 years ago, to actually look at us, they would be horrified.� You see, in those days, there were no carbohydrate addicts and being fat meant being old or very lazy.� Life was more physically active and people burnt off more energy.� But more important, they ate mostly protein foods.� Today we eat mostly carbohydrates foods.

Until around forty years ago, people had always consumed a high proportion of protein.� Then through an unwarranted scare campaign, about cholestrol, we were rushed into a diet that demanded mostly carbohydrate foods. This was a time when diets were only needed for sick people.� It doesn’t need Einstein to figure out that such a change would have been a massive blow to the body. Unfortunately, nobody thought to check.

When it comes to human beings, Mother Nature took eons to get it just right.� But some people managed to ruin our metabolism and our digestive system - in less than forty years.� The people who pushed for this change must have believed they could improve nature. They certainly didn’t possess the qualifications to do mess with our body and to trigger obesity statistics and carbohydrate addicts.

Why did we listen to them?� We are inherently arrogant and like to believe we can improve on everything, including nature. We admire the people who try - even when they don’t know how.� That’s why we have rules and qualifications and certifications, to prevent the wrong people from doing dangerous, even criminal things to the population.

For whatever reason, the daily routine functions of the body are not covered by that kind of protection. That is, as long as the damage is done by our own actions – however indirectly.

If we are prepared to listen to untrained, unqualified people. � If we are ready to change our diet from protein foods to carbohydrates foods virtually overnight.� All because of a cholesterol scare campaign,� long since ridiculed.� Then the understanding seems to be:� We deserved what we got.

Personally, I think that’s outrageous, we have scientific boards and panels to decide on drug certifications and medical procedures of even the most trivial kind.� Why does that not include what we eat?� Surely there are few things more critical to our health and longevity than eating the right type of food.

Sure, these people claim qualifications, but such diplomas and certificates are designed and issued to students by the same people who preceded them. You could call it a perpetual motion of incompetence.

You see, that whole area of diets and dieting, in relation to our health, is considered fair game for anyone who is prepared to claim special knowledge. Yet diets and dieting was never normal practice till around 40 years ago.� Unfortunately, not till obesity statistics or type2 diabetes threatens, will science or medicine intervene.

For almost forty years, we have been victims to this nonsense. Pure logic dictates that if these people are right and that they are indeed making us healthier, why are obesity statistics skyrocketing? Why is type2 diabetes called the next epidemic waiting to happen?

And why are we all turning into carbohydrate addicts?

Of course these people claim they have made a big difference. In a way they have. Take a good look around. Human beings were not built to be fat. We were not meant to consume copious numbers of intestinal and digestive preparations on a daily basis. We were not meant to watch our children contribute to obesity statistics on a diet advocated as healthy for kids.

I believe in evidence, and I see no evidence that diets have done anything to improve our health, well being or appearance. I do see a lot of evidence to the contrary.

What I do believe is that human beings are not meant to diet. We never did that in the past and we don’t have to do it now!� We were also not meant to become carbohydrate addicts. We need to wake up to ourselves. Stop listening to ‘experts’ and start listening to our own body!

The Carbohydrate Addicts Manual V Obesity Statistics

Kirsten Plotkin