What comes to mind when someone mentions the words carbohydrate addicts?
A low carb diet may come to mind. Maybe a low fat diet, or a complex carbohydrate diet. There are many choices and these days there are few people who haven’t experimented with at least one diet. There are even fewer people who realize they are already carbohydrate addicts.
Why do we diet? Obviously we want to lose weight, but by now it should be clear to anyone, that diets don’t work. They can’t, Mother Nature didn’t build us that way. That’s why today 60% of the population has a weight problem and most are carbohydrate addicts. Statistics say by 2020 this number will reach 80%.
So why do we still diet? People we trust and respect tell us that a diet is necessary to lose weight. They have even begun to tell us that a diet is critical for a strong healthy body. In the near future we will be told that a diet is necessary for our survival. The one thing we won’t be told is that we are carbohydrate addicts and shouldn’t diet at all!
Another thing these people don’t tell you and probably don’t know themselves is that diets are dangerous to our body. Our digestive system was not built for diets. In the fifties and sixties people did not diet. Diets were for sick people. Till that time – carbohydrate addicts didn’t exist. The only response your body has to a diet is to signal Famine!
That’s because a diet is a shortage of food and to your body that can only mean a famine. When a famine is over it’s your body’s job to recover all the weight you have lost. For added protection it will always add a little extra.
Ask yourself where does this plethora of expert diet information originate? Where is the scientific information - the research to prove that that these diets are safe for human consumption? Where are the research papers to confirm that human trials prove a particular diet is safe to use?
We are on a slippery path to self destruction. We are eating ourselves to death. Our future is morbid obesity and type2 diabetes. Both are likely to be fatal. We are becoming carbohydrate addicts at the fervent support and advice of self proclaimed experts who have a professional and or financial stake in our continued obsession with diets.
So here is where we are today: 60% of us are overweight and most of us are carbohydrate addicts. That means we have no control over our desire for carbohydrates foods. Everyone of us have dieted to lose weight, maybe several times. Yet each and every one of us is fatter today than before we began our first diet. Doesn’t that tell us something?
You are thinking: why believe me - Right? I don’t expect you to believe me. I just want you to use your common sense. Human beings have been around for thousands of years, without dieting and without weight problems.
Except for the last forty to fifty years, people have thrived and procreated without the advice or assistance of dietitians, nutritionists, diet experts, diet gurus, cereal and diet food manufacturers. In fact, anyone without a science or medical degree, who claims to know and understand your body.
Before you say: But all these people can’t be wrong! Let me point out that they depend entirely on the carbohydrate addicts need to find help with their weight problem. They are the ‘pushers’ of food. They are individuals and corporations, who profit from your addiction. Without you – the addict - there is no profit.
The reason there are so many profiteers, is that as long as carbohydrate addicts can remain un-recognized, there is no burden of law or regulations to stop them. There are so many of them – because it is so very profitable!