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Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Pursuit Of Genuine Business Sales Leads!

Do you ever ask yourself; “what are the bare essentials for a successful internet business”? Newcomers to the internet hoping to make money quickly, more often than not find themselves with one or more expensive products before they have given any thought to how they will promote them. Those few, who have done their home work, will realize that to get sales they will first have to advertise because that is how you get qualified business sales leads.

Whether you own a business in an office building or you have a website online there are only two critical things your business needs to survive and make money. They are customers/leads and sales. Everything else is simply a means to get one of those two things. If nothing ever happens in your business except customers and sales, you will become a very lucky success story.

Unless you have a lot of money to spend on expensive advertising, or a lot of time to invest into learning SEO, you will need what is best described as a lot of quality business sales leads. Sounds simple right? Unfortunately it is not.
Yes, things are different on the internet. Your shop or business is called A Website and the customers are called Prospects or Leads but they are still customers and your income depends on them. So unless you know a way to get some leads, any products you may have already bought will end up in some forgotten folder on your hard drive.

Unlike the real world, where you can put your product in the window to be seen by passersby, A product on the internet does not attract customers unless you advertise. There are no passersby at your website or capture pages. Many an inexperienced internet marketer has lost many hundreds of dollars advertising in places like Google Adwords, only to realize months or years later that it is unlikely their ads were ever seen by anyone.

If you are new to the internet you really do need to be careful. When you look around, you will see signs everywhere. You will be drawn to products that look great, sound very exciting, but they are unlikely to appeal to prospects who already know the market. That is because they are specifically designed to dazzle the newbies.

But it is not all bad news. If you ask around and learn before you buy, you will discover that there are other options. For example; You can join both free and paid SafeLists and send your emails to thousands of members. There are also Traffic Exchanges where you can place a capture page. Then all you have to do is surf the exchanges to earn the credits which will run your ads. It’s a tough way to get business and it is unlikely you will ever make a 5 digit income but at least you are learning and gaining experience.

There will be people around who will talk about keywords, SEO and adwords. For a newbie this is dangerous territory because to succeed in that pen requires an enormous learning curve. Few newbies will believe it is that difficult to do something that sounds so easy. That’s why so many newcomers spend money they cannot afford. They get caught up in expensive adword campaigns because they hear that is where the big money is. Sadly that is only true for the few who have the knowledge and experience to know how to make it work. Adwords is not for the feint hearted and it is definitely not for the newbie.

So we come to the heart of the issue...Leads. You will see many opportunities to buy leads, you might even find some free ones. But they rarely if ever live up to their promise. Top quality leads, like genuine business sales leads, are very expensive. Less expensive and yes, even free leads can be found everywhere. The trouble is they will be as useful to you as a telephone book filled with email addresses.

No matter how you get your leads, you will face a very big question: What are you going to do with them? If you send them emails direct through your own email address, it will take many hours. Worse, you can end up in serious trouble for being a spammer. You are also likely to be spammed yourself, with thousands of unwanted emails in your inbox. Auto-responders will not let you send emails through their system using bought or free leads. Even leads from people who have already bought from you will be put through the wringer. Not many past buyers, let alone unknown leads, will survive that process.

The fact is, there are many ways to go wrong on the internet when you do not yet know the right way. The so called guru’s who make all that money you hear about are not likely to be smarter than you are, but they have one unbeatable advantage. They have had time, often years, to accumulate prospects, thousands of them. These are prospects who have bought before, who trust the merchant and will gladly open any email from them.

When these guys get a product, they vet it carefully because it will carry their recommendation. The wrong product can quickly shorten a treasured list of prospects. All these guru’s have to do is send a personal email to their customers recommending the product. They do not even do that. Their auto-responder takes care of it. It’s that easy.

For you to be like them, means you have to get a customer base, a list of prospects, who know you, trust you and look forward to hearing from you. Impossible? Not at all. But it takes a little time, it takes focus and dedication and it takes some help from people who are there to teach you how to create your own personal business sales leads. They will also provide you with the tool that does it for you. And yes, that is actually possible and they are the best leads you can ever get because they are people who have already agreed to listen to what you have to sell.
You will be given access to a complete auto mailing system, which will work no matter how many thousands of leads you end up generating.

People who have proven years of experience in internet marketing, who already number as their loyal clients, most of the guru’s you admire. They are people who are not interested in selling you a product or a business. They have nothing to prove. They will provide you with unlimited websites and they will host them for you. They will give you an easy video creator so you can record your ads and attract even more leads.

To prove to you that they really can get you to where you have always hoped to be, they are prepared to accept a token one dollar payment for a two week, ‘access to all areas’ trial of their lead processing system, their unlimited website creator, their easy step video producer, their conference centre and their unlimited hosted websites. But the real price you will get is a fast learning track to any type of business you want to do and they will make sure you will be able to make money with it. www.my-own-plan.com/gvo

Kirsten Plotkin

Thursday, October 29, 2009

What Do You Expect From A Diet?

To the question: What do you expect from a diet? The answer is not as simple as you may think. The quick answer is to say, ‘I expect to lose weight’, but that’s like answering the question; what do you expect from a meal? with the answer; ‘I expect some food’. Neither answer really addresses the question.
People diet for all sorts of reasons. They want to build up their self esteem. They want to catch the eye of someone special. They want to look good for the wedding or some special event. They want to get back into their clothes. They want to rekindle the romance in a marriage. They want to get their energy back. They are worried about their health. They just want to look good right now. These are all short term goals and people know they can only expect a short term solution. Chances are you know the weight will be back, but you do not want to be reminded of that before you have lost the weight.
Very few people ever expect to get a permanent weight loss. What most people do expect from a diet, at least when they base it on past experience, is a burst of success, then eventual failure when the weight returns. They just don’t want to think about that right now. When people want something that truly and deeply matters to them the last thing they want to do is consider the consequences in advance.
LA and San Francisco would be villages today if people thought and acted on the eventual consequences of an earthquake. That’s because it stands in the way of their wants and desires.
Consequences are never pleasant to think about, unless we are prepared to act. With each diet, we cause a little more damage to our metabolism and we ensure that more weight will follow with each one. We have also learned that that the next diet will always be harder to go through than the one before.
A diet can be two things.
1. A medical requirement which must be adhered to. Such diets vary but they have things in common, they are almost always permanent and require that you avoid or select specific foods. In other words, they represent a permanent change in lifestyle which, if not adhered to, will cause a risk to health, even a threat to life. Even under those circumstances some people refuse to act against their wants and desires because they are driven by a strong yearning for the banned foods which they cannot resist.
2. The other type of diet has just one purpose, it promises to lose weight, as quickly and painlessly as possible. This appeals to people because it is precisely what they want to hear and to believe. There have been hundreds such diets in the past and we can expect even more in the future because they promise exactly what we hope for. So instead of dwelling on how the diet will affect us in the future, we decide to trust the promise and settle for an inevitable short term result even when the cost of that can be very high. We are only human right?
Stop to think for a moment, about all those diets that have gone before. Think how they can ignite your wants and desires and cause you to believe things you know will prove false, eventually. Look at it realistically; if just one single diet out of all those hundreds of diets finally proves to work, then that would become the winning diet and nobody would want or need any other.
The one thing we can all guarantee about diets is that if that perfect diet, the one that actually works, ever comes to along, it will be news around the world within 48 hours. That means you do not have to jump on the next bandwagon. You can sit back and let someone else experiment with futility. You see, in the final analysis, we all know, deep down that diets do not work…Ever! They cannot, because they fly in the face of nature.
Your only chance for a permanent, healthy way to lose weight is to not diet at all. To lose weight permanently you need to do only four things:
1. Learn how to adapt your lifestyle to foods your body was designed to eat.

2. Learn how to jumpstart your sluggish metabolism and let your body control your weight as nature intended it to do.

3. Learn how to get back your energy and have a slim body again

4. Learn how to keep your slim body and never have to put the weight back on again.

So what do you expect from a diet? Think about it; are these four goals not the ultimate want and desire of everyone? Remember; to achieve them you do not need to count your calories.
These are not difficult things to do. If you can sustain a diet of low calories for 6 weeks, as I’m sure you have done in the past. Then you can sustain a selective food plan, which lets you eat an unrestricted amount of food for the same period. If you do, you will find that within a few weeks, not only will your weight be reduced you will discover that you no longer experience food cravings.
This is a lifestyle anyone can live with. It means; being slim permanently, not ever feeling hungry and not ever having cravings for the foods you know you should not eat.


Kirsten Plotkin author
Goldcoast, Australia

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Share The Bar

Share The Bar

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