I feel a need to preface this article with a brief statement about my political beliefs. My extended family, on both sides, are long time conservative supporters. Some, I think, still are out of tradition or a sense of loyalty rather than examination of facts. It is my contention that the conservative politicians supported by myself and my family in the past, is not the same as the Harper conservatives. The conservatives of yesterday were a little right of center... Harper is no where near the middle where I believe MOST Canadians really are...
InDecision 2011
Canadians are going to the polls on May 2, 2011, not because they want to, but because they have to. We made our decision not too long ago - "we" elected a Conservative minority government. I think Harper's mandate was pretty clear - work with the opposition parties because we don't actually trust you enough to give you a majority. Some Canadians will believe Harper's claim that it is the opposition who isn't listening, but let's face facts here! Harper was clear when he said he would not negotiate on the budget! If you ask me, the budget was clearly DESIGNED with a potential election in mind.
Harper is not happy with a minority government. He wants to be King. Albertans will recall the King Ralph years... at least with Ralph we got what we voted for. We knew we were electing a King. Harper is not quite as forthcoming. He wants us to believe that we have a voice, that he cares what we think. Ralph didn't care what we thought - and he didn't pussyfoot around. Even if you hated him and his politics, you couldn't help but respect his honesty. King Steve? Not so much.
Why Bother to Vote...
Many Canadians are looking at the choices as the 3 main parties and their leaders: Conservative (Harper), Liberal (Ignatieff), NDP (Layton). Some will feel that a vote for NDP is a wasted vote since the real contenders for the PM's office are the Conservatives and the Liberals. But in reality every single vote counts, and there is another contender vying for your vote... Elizabeth May and the Green Party.
Before you dismiss the Green Party as being a bunch of dope smoking tree huggers, I urge you to read up on their platform at http://greenparty.ca. This may very well be the most intelligent platform of all the parties. One thing that I am quite confident in is that the Green Party is the party of the future. But I digress...
Your vote for a candidate who is NOT the liberal or conservative candidate, is a statement, but it also provides that "other" party with a $2.00 contribution. Those toonies add up - especially for an up and coming party like the Greens. This is something that Harper would like to abolish - of course he would! King Steve doesn't need the measly $2.00 contributions, and he is smart enough to know that if the Greens get their message out, they will be a real contender.
All Politicians Are Crooks
Sure seems to be the truth that all politicians are crooks, but I'm sure most don't start out that way. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and our political system is designed to be balanced. I believe that when we elect a minority government, we are keeping the power hungry crooks at bay. We are holding them accountable and forcing them to negotiate with the opposition. To be perfectly honest, I don't think it matters which party wins this election - Harper and his conservatives or Iggy and his Liberals... let's just be sure not to give either of them a majority government.
The only way to keep a dishonest PM bordering on honest, is to keep him accountable. Personally, I don't trust either King Steve or Iggy, and while I do believe that Jack is a trustworthy guy with his heart in the right place, I think Jack best serves our country in his role as a party in opposition.