What are you afraid of?
Are you afraid of losing your home, your wealth, your status? This current economic crisis has really caused me to become more introspective into what I really believe, and how I really feel. The saying that there is nothing to fear but fear itself rings true when it comes to the economy.
There is a definite link between consumer fear and the stock market for example. But what really causes the degree of fear that we are seeing, especially in the US, today? People are doing some crazy things - allowing this crisis to cause emotional distress that is damaging their relationships, their health, their very life. Yes, some are even driven to suicide. Why?
Could it be that we have lost perspective? Could it be that living in a "material world" has caused us to define ourselves by what we own rather than who we are? YOU are more than what you have acquired. YOU are a human being, with a soul, with a purpose. We have become a very competitive and materialistic society that seems to have caused many of us to get lost.
Being the eternal optimist, I view this economic crisis as a time of reawakening. A time to reflect on who we really are, our real purpose. Those who had attained a level of material wealth, whose very identity depends on that wealth, will be forced to re-define themselves, and in the words of Martha Stewart, that is a good thing.
I am not opposed to material wealth and creature comforts - on the contrary. But, I do not believe that we should measure our worth by our bank account. That is but one measurement of our success. A great many of the wealthiest people have never truly achieved real wealth or success. As the great book, The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D Wattles tells us, wealth attained on the competitive plane is fleeting - it is here today and gone tomorrow.
Youth is for an Hour, Beauty is a Flower, But Love is a song With Enduring Power
Love is really what defines us. Our capacity to love ourselves and others, to nurture and protect. I submit that when we endeavor to increase our capacity for love, we will discover our hidden talents and creativity. I am not afraid of the economic crisis because I believe it will be a catalyst in challenging us all to dig a little deeper into who we really are, and I believe that more often than not, we are good.
1 comment:
Karen, I really like what you're saying in this article. The true meaning of success is something we all need, not only to be reminded of but to take ownership of as well.
The fear and uncertainty that we are all experiencing because of the economic downfall is causing some internal meditatons and a recognition that priorities need to be rearranged.
How I handle my savings is one of those issues that must be reconsidered.
My IRA for instance has taken a hit, this is hard earned money I'm depending on to use in my later years. But because it's connected to a system that is controlled by others, I have no say in the outcome of its gain or lossess.
I'm delighted in one sense because I'm doing something about changing this circumstance by creating residual income. Just one example of how rough times can cause beneficial possibilities to emerge.
Michael Rizzuti
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